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Christina Nu lives on the island of Ibiza (Spain) and in Zurich (CH). The professional artist grew up in Holland and Switzerland and is passionately dedicated to arts.
“My intention with my artwork is to make the observer feel rather than think. We’re so used to define and judge with our thoughts based on knowledge and experience, that we often don’t allow ourselves to be surprised and live the present moment authentically. We need to stop letting our brain do all the work and start to experience with the heart.
I’m inspired by the colours and shapes of water and nature. For me, Ibiza is the perfect place to dive into my creative process. The light here is unbelievable, and the sundowners in winter are even more stunning than in summer. Very often I stand by the calas close by Es Vedra and watch the waves crash against the cliffs. I love that feeling I get when I touch ground on my favorite island. If you’ve been there, you know.
On the other side I love Switzerland with its beauty, its lakes, mountains and nature – everything so close together and within reach in just a short time. Also I so much enjoy to the big variety of cultural stimulation bigger cities have to offer, such as Zurich, where I spend a lot of time.”
I promote a life where it is important to be in touch with the body in order to feel connected with what is around us.
By leaving my mind behind and surrendering to the creative flow, I am curious to discover what lies beyond the surface. As in the water as in life we always have the choice to either drown or consciously dive into the depths. With my artwork I reveal to you unknown layers which I have found, as I left my comfort zone to explore new horizons.
Please be invited to dive into my creations, and I’d love to hear about your experiences.”
For commissions and other inquiries, please send an email to
Künstlerin versteckt Bilder in Kreuzlingen - wer eines findet, darf es behalten | St.Galler Tagblatt
Mit ihrer Aktion «art and found» bringen Malerin Christina Nu und Rahmenbauerin Jenny Brenner Kunst in die Stadt und an die Leute. Es ist eine Art «Versteckis» mit Kunst.
Kreuzlinger Kunstaktion #ArtandFound: Das erste Bild ist entdeckt, das zweite wird am Samstag versteckt | St.Galler Tagblatt
Augen auf am Boulevard: Am Samstag versteckt Künstlerin Christina Nu wieder eines ihrer Werke auf dem Stadtgebiet. Wieder gilt: Der Finder darf’s behalten.
Verstecken und entdecken: Wie eine Kunstaktion Kreuzlingen in Bewegung bringt
Die Künstlerin Christina Nu versteckt Bilder im Kreuzlinger Stadtgebiet. Und Dutzende suchen danach. Doch wie kam die Malerin überhaupt auf die Idee zu ihrer Aktion #artandfound?
Das dritte versteckte Bild ist auch gefunden: Kreuzlinger Kunstaktion «art and found» geht mit strahlenden Gesichtern zu Ende | St.Galler Tagblatt
Zum Start der Sommerferien wurde auch der dritte Kunstdruck, den Künstlerin Christina Nu und Rahmenbauerin Jenny Brenner versteckten, entdeckt. Das Finder-Paar brauchte recht lange, um die Schatzsuche erfolgreich zu beenden.
OD Hotels Design Award goes to Christina Nu
Super proud winner 🖤🏆😍🎉 I created for @odhotels and got chosen for best design. Thank you to the whole team and @jaime_irles who represented the group and called last week to tell me 🤩👩🏼🎨...